DM Photo Archive - An Introduction
The DM photo archive has three main components:
First, the online photo gallery where David’s DM photos are displayed in an accessible, search-friendly format. This is where images can be browsed, searched and downloaded singly or in groups, from anywhere in the world. David’s new photos are uploaded to the online gallery every night via a fully automated script. Images can also be transferred at any other time at David’s prompt.
The gallery is at
Second, an automated script linking images David processes in the Macau DM office to the file server at the Hong Kong DM office. Large image files are fast and convenient for the graphic designer to access on the local HK office network. Automatically syncing images between offices makes it possible for David to share new DM images with Jeremy without having to lift a finger to make it happen. Images are synced every night or at any other time at David’s prompt.
Third, a shared drive in the photography workstation where David can store his prepared DM images for local office use by the Macau editorial team. This drive is also the source for the automated scripts that sync images with the gallery and HK file server covered above. The Macau editorial team can access images on this shared drive while enjoying blazing-fast data access speeds.
Check out the tutorial on how to use the local Macau DM office shared drive or read up on just how you can download images from the online photo archive gallery.